Battle of Flowers – San Antonio

Battle of Flowers San Antonio

In these days that we are living inside homes or with fear to  the  Covid19, I would like to honor one of the  oldest and largest parades in USA,  since 1891.  Although is usually celebrated  in April, this year has been postponed to fall, but  we  were  lucky  enough to enjoy  our first year 2016  and more. 

It began as a “patriotic celebration to honor the heroes of the Alamo, Goliad and the Battle of San Jacinto”.  Nowadays, and after four years what I remember more is the explosion of color and music,  the sunny days in spring, flowers everywhere, every association and school of the city in bright uniforms, soldiers, cadets and civilians  proudly carrying their flags, that of Texas of the Stars and Stripes.


Mixed with all these feelings, people, enjoying  the party, the music of the bands, the food, sharing with family or friends. We were there in April 2016,  day and night. During the day you  feel the sun,  try to find a place to sit down and wait the long hours, taking some drinks, tacos, tortillas, … At night all the bands, cars and trucks  with thousands of lights.

April 28th 2017

April 22th 2016

La cabalgata de Battle of Flowers en San Antonio es una de las más multitudinarias  y con más tradición de estados unidos.

en la primavera del 2016  por primera vez disfrutamos de este desfile de carrozas, bandas y militares con banderas, flores, música, globos, … un espectáculo digno de disfrutar. 

Ahora este año 2020 ha sido aplazada al otoño,  así que con estas pocas fotos rindo homenaje a la fiesta y a tanta gente que la prepara durante todo el año, …. y que volverá.
